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Jeff Olsen – Education Professional

Hello everyone, I am Jeff Olsen…Welcome to my professional CV site.

Let me begin by sharing with you my two main passions – Music & Learning. Music plays a very important roll in my life whether I am listening to it, composing it, playing it, teaching it, or studying the history of it. I also have been fascinated with learning – its mechanics (how does one learn), how to motivate others (teach) and how to motivate one’s self (life long learning). I am especially interested in how Technology can play a roll in this pursuit.
As part of being a 21st-century educator, I have come to the realization that I need more than a “paper” based resumeĀ“ / CV. I also need an online document (or website) that shows a “real-time” perspective of my continual professional development and pursuit of life long learning. This would be a place to demonstrate projects and research that I have completed (or active in) as well as a resource in the areas of Learning, Performance, & Technology.

With this in mind, I have actually created two separate WordPress sites.

The site you are visiting is the introduction/ history of who I am and what I have accomplished. Here you will find my resumeĀ“/ CV, my educational philosophy, and an in-depth break down of the graduate courses I have taken in completion of my 2 masters degrees – Masters in Teaching (secondary prep) & Masters in Learning, Performance, & Technology.

The second site (which I will be linking below), is more of a portfolio and resource site. Here I have posted projects that incorporated the use of Instructional Design, course and curriculum development, and Technology integration (with courses that I have created as well as helped on with other faculty or stakeholders). I have also included a technology resource area, that includes a showcase of various applications and other material, which can be used to facilitate better 21st-century learning.

Here is the link to my dedicated portfolio site – http://efolio.jeffreyolsen.name/
